Rationale Behind The Concept (Click here to download hi-res promotion.)
What’s the best way to honor five outstanding Inspirational Women—in the middle of a worldwide pandemic? What visually says, “These are women-of-action, holding their own during difficult times—keeping chins up and following the social distancing rules-of-the-day?”
Since the pandemic is a worldwide event, we thought, “Why not photograph these strong women, moving forward through a tumultuous 2020, with an international nod, and use the Abbey Road album cover (circa 1969) as inspiration.” However, we’ll lens our version in the middle of the San Fernando Valley, in California.
Abbey Road showed the Beatles formation-walking across the street at Abbey Road Studios in England. Our Valley version would honor that forward-motion concept, while allowing StormLabs to photograph the Inspiring Women separately, in-studio, maintaining social distancing rules and mask wearing practices.
Afterward the individual photographs would be composited into the final UCC promotion, re-creating Abbey Road’s “look,” honoring the Women and acknowledging today’s pandemic challenges.
We hope you enjoy Scott Bogunia’s/StormLabs homage to 2020’s Inspirational Women. If it puts a smile on your face, and encourages you to “stay strong & persevere.” We’ve done our job.
In addition to the “Abbey Road” group promotion above. Each of the women was photographed for a traditional corporate headshot, without masks, so their smiling faces could be recognized. The headshots and promo go together as a package and the UCC’s e-blast can be viewed here.